Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Official

....The shit has hit the fan.

Today when I got to work I found this in my inbox:

"CONGRATULATIONS! Your entry into the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race has been accepted. Get ready to "Dig Deep" and challenge yourself to the highest and biggest mountain bike race around. Gear up to race with the world's BEST cyclists at the nation's highest quality athletic experience with the utmost degree of safety, medical care and racer support......."

Fuck me, I'm going to be in the Leadville 100.


  1. Awesome! - I have a friend in Iowa who has done this race over 10 years in a row, loves it. Good luck!

  2. Another ship just went up in flames, man. There is NO turning back now. 6 months from now, you'll be ready, and you'll be a totally different person. You'll crush it.

  3. Awesome! Wish I had not been so full of weak sauce that I wouldn't fill out the app.
